Quitting nicotine is the best thing you can do for your health. The good news is that there is more help than ever, in many different formats, start your journey today by contacting the Nebraska Tobacco Quitline.
Ready. Set. Quit
Nebraska Tobacco Quitline, 1-800-QUIT-NOW
The Nebraska Tobacco Quitline is a free service that connects you via phone with a quit coach. Over the course of your quit attempt, the coach will help you work through challenges by providing tips and encouragement. These are individually and specific for you to stay nicotine-free from cigarettes, vaping, smokeless (chew) and /or a combination if a dual user.
The Quitline is currently offering a free two-week supply of over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapy- NRT (e.g. patches, gum) when you enroll.
QuitNow Mobile App
The mobile app offers support throughout your quit attempt – from setting a quit date to identifying your reasons for quitting to conquering cravings once you’ve quit. To boost motivation, the app will also track the money you’ve saved since quitting and the days added back to your life.
The Nebraska Tobacco Quitline is happy to announce our new texting-based coaching program for youth 18 years old and younger. Youth can text “Start My Quit” 36072 for free, confidential help to quit tobacco with a trained quit coach at no cost. Help tailored to youth is available online at Free promotional materials are available at
All Nebraskans, regardless of age, can call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669) or go online to to register for phone or web-based coaching.